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About grid

7/31/2019 2:47 AM
Hi,wout I want to display the grid throughout the drawing area. Is DxfVPort the class? C# code: // create VPORT for initial view BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(model); Bounds3D VPortBounds = boundsCalculator.Bounds; DxfVPort active = new DxfVPort(DxfVPort.ActiveVPortName); active.Height = VPortBounds.Delta.Y; active.AspectRatio = VPortBounds.Delta.X / VPortBounds.Delta.Y; active.Center = (Point2D)VPortBounds.Center; active.GridSpacing = new Vector2D(50, 50); active.ShowGrid = true; model.VPorts.Add(active); Invalidate(); But there is no any effect,no grid is displayed.
8/2/2019 4:43 AM
Hi,wout,could you help me to solve the question above?How to display the grid just like the sample "Editor\Examples\WindowsApplicationCS"
8/2/2019 9:59 AM
Hi, The grid display of viewport classes is not implemented. - Wout
8/2/2019 2:19 PM
Oh,are all the property ShowGrid and GridSpacing(and GridIsAdaptive/GridAllowSubdivision/GridDisplayBeyondLimits/GridFollowsDynamicUcs/MinorGridLinesPerMajorGridLine) of DxfVPort Class invalid?But these property all seem to valid!Is there other way to display the GRID in cadlib?
8/2/2019 2:53 PM
CadLib will read/write the properties, but display is not implemented. - Wout