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Line types in

Chris Smith
12/13/2021 3:35 AM
Hi All, We're running this new version through our unit tests and are having a few issues with line types. The line types on bulges seem to be working ok but custom line types don't seem to come through properly any more. With the attached drawing, I've attached what AutoCAD draws (linetype_expected.png) vs what Cadlib draws (linetype_actual.png). Code is (assuming running in linqpad):
C# Code:
void Main() { DxfModel dxf = DwgReader.Read(@"C:\temp\test.dwg"); var width = 1000; var height = 1000; GraphicsConfig config = new GraphicsConfig { BackColor = ArgbColors.Black, CorrectColorForBackgroundColor = true, DisplayLineTypeElementShapes = true, DrawImageFrame = false, TryDrawingTextAsText = true, DisplayLineWeight = true, ApplyLineType = true }; var gdiGraphics3D = new GDIGraphics3D(config); gdiGraphics3D.CreateDrawables(dxf); var bounds = new Bounds3D(); gdiGraphics3D.BoundingBox(bounds, Matrix4D.Identity); var transform = DxfUtil.GetScaleTransform( bounds.Corner1, bounds.Corner2, bounds.Center, new Point3D(0d, height, 0d), new Point3D(width, 0d, 0d), new Point3D(width / 2, height / 2, 0d) ); var img = ImageExporter.CreateBitmap(gdiGraphics3D, transform, 1000, 1000); img.Dump(); }
Cheers, Chris
Chris Smith
12/17/2021 2:18 AM
Hi Wout & team, Any thoughts on this - seems like we'll need to roll back to an earlier version to avoid this... Cheers, Chris
Chris Smith
1/10/2022 3:42 AM
Hi All, Anything else I can provide around this issue? Cheers, Chris
Chris Smith
1/10/2022 5:29 AM
Just for clarity's sake, this was already broken in but worked at (edited for correctness)
1/10/2022 10:33 AM
Hi Chris, I've just fixed the issue, it was unfortunately a side effect of another bug fix. Please download the latest version. Thank you for the report. - Wout
Chris Smith
1/10/2022 10:11 PM
Thanks Wout, I can confirm this fixed it! Cheers, Chris