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GDI+ error

Chris Smith
1/19/2022 3:22 AM
Hi Wout, The latest few versions of CadLib seem to be a bit more susceptible to "A generic error occurred in GDI+". This seems to happen when some particular graphic is massively bigger or smaller than the view extent. Using the attached DWG / code, you can see that we're rendering a very small extent but there are some very large graphics in the drawing. This (mostly) worked fine in but fails in 4.0.39.X. I say mostly because we definitely have still found cases where very very small graphics rendered in a very large extent still caused issues on that older version. Code (assuming linqpad):
C# Code:
void Main() { DxfModel dxf = DwgReader.Read(@"C:\temp\gdi.dwg"); var width = 1000; var height = 1000; GraphicsConfig config = new GraphicsConfig { BackColor = ArgbColors.Black, CorrectColorForBackgroundColor = true, DisplayLineTypeElementShapes = true, DrawImageFrame = false, TryDrawingTextAsText = true, DisplayLineWeight = true, ApplyLineType = true }; var gdiGraphics3D = new GDIGraphics3D(config); gdiGraphics3D.CreateDrawables(dxf); var bounds = new Bounds3D { Corner1 = new Point3D(-0.0014, -0.0009, 0), Corner2 = new Point3D(0.0054, 0.0023, 0) }; var transform = DxfUtil.GetScaleTransform( bounds.Corner1, bounds.Corner2, bounds.Center, new Point3D(0d, height, 0d), new Point3D(width, 0d, 0d), new Point3D(width / 2, height / 2, 0d) ); var img = ImageExporter.CreateBitmap(gdiGraphics3D, transform, width, height); img.Dump(); }
Chris Smith
1/26/2022 10:15 PM
Hi Wout &c, Just wondering if there's anything that can be done about this? I assume the "CreateDrawables" call in the gdiGraphics3D is creating a bunch of segmented lines, is there a way we can filter those before calling CreateBitmap? Perhaps we can be looking for things that won't convert well to Float or something... Cheers, Chris