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Extra entities and SVG elements duplicated CabLib 6 rc14

6/5/2022 11:41 PM
When testing the SvgExporter rc14 version of Cadlib multiplatform, we found some dwg files have "extra" entities read by Cadlib and extra SVG elements produced (mostly duplicated) for one entity that was constucted in AutoCAD as one closed shape. In the attached files, it appears that the path node is duplicated. The Cadlib entity type is a LWPOLYLINE object and the DWG is AutoCad 2016.
6/14/2022 5:39 AM
Clarification: AutoCAD 2018 used with dwg saved as 2016 version. The problem arose at our end and is not an issue in the CADLib software. My staff were drawing polygons in the dwg using the rectangle command, rather than the polyline command. We deleted the rectangle polygon and redrew using multi-segment polyline and close. CADLib correctly produces one path now.