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Dimension text moving when GenerateBlock() is called

Spring Air
7/12/2023 2:55 PM
I've attached an example. We'd really like the text to stay in the centre of the dimension line.
7/13/2023 1:51 PM
Hi, I've improved the aligned dimension generation a bit to move the arrows outside the extension lines to make space for the text. Please download the latest version to try it. - Wout
Spring Air
7/13/2023 4:48 PM
The latest version has a June 27th timestamp, is there a more recent one?
7/14/2023 8:27 AM
I've had to change the version numbering scheme, so the latest version is not on top of the list, please download version 4.0.2023.7132 (look at the date column for yesterday's release). Later I will renumber the other releases so the list will be ordered again. - Wout