Watermark from DxfModel to Pdf
![]() 1/24/2024 2:07 PM
Good morning,
I would like when I export from DxfModel to Pdf (I use Matrix4D+PdfExporter)
to set some lines and some blocks with some opacity (watermark).
In Autocad I do it with the ctb file where I set a "screening" of 15 instead of 100 for the level concerned.
I have read that you recently introduced support for the ctb file but only for color and line thickness.
Is there another way to export some lines/blocks to PDF as a watermark?
Thank you
Best regards
![]() 1/25/2024 9:04 AM
Hi Ivan,
Do you have a sample DWG/DXF/CBT file combo for me to look into? I can look into it on Monday.
- Wout
![]() 1/25/2024 3:20 PM
Hi Wout,
here is it attached the files.
Ok, is not urgent.
Thank you
![]() 1/31/2024 2:13 PM
Hi Ivan,
I've implemented support for CTB screening in the latest CadLib 4.0 version.
I would appreciate a small contribution for the implementation.
Thank you for providing the test files.
- Wout
![]() 2/2/2024 2:52 PM
Hi Wout,
thank you for your work,
I will send you bye banking account.
Can you give me an example on how to use the new screening function?
(if possibile in VB .NET)
Thank you
![]() 2/2/2024 3:14 PM
Hi Ivan,
In VB:
Visual Basic Code: Dim graphicsConfig As GraphicsConfig = CType( C# Code: GraphicsConfig graphicsConfig = ( |
![]() 2/12/2024 3:44 PM
Hi Wout,
I had now the time to try it.
I wrote the code same you but I get the error
that you see in the attached image.
How to solve?
Thank you
![]() 2/13/2024 1:55 PM
I guess the decompile to VB wasn't accurate. But your error message already says what you have to do, you have to use AddressOf. You never used it? It has been part of VB.NET for over 20 years.
Visual Basic Code: Dim ctbFile As New CtbFile( |
![]() 2/13/2024 4:30 PM
Sorry, I am not expert as you.
Now it works the screening, thank you.
But it doesn't work the color that I have read on other forum that was working.
Here is it the code:
Visual Basic Code: Dim model As DxfModel = New DxfModel( |
![]() 2/14/2024 1:30 PM
Hi Ivan,
There as a bug indeed, the plot style was ignored for text/mtext. I have just fixed the problem, please download the lateset version.
You're not the only user who is not familiar with the use of AddressOf in Visual Basic. I've just added a remark to the documentation of GraphicsConfig.PlotStyleManager for future users.
Thank you for the report!
- Wout