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Copy everything from Layer

4/17/2012 3:57 PM
Hello I'm new to WW and need help. I want to copy everything from a Layer, Entetis Blocks..., the layer its self from one file into a new file. I with Enteties it work in a way but with blocks I couldn't figure it out. Can somebody give me a hint? Thanks
4/17/2012 7:08 PM
It is probably a bit more challenging than you might expect. For entities in a block there is a special rule that if they use the special layer '0' (zero, not oh), the get the layer of the insert entity which is inserting the block instead. And this might of course work recursively, so the effective layer of an entity depends on its insertion hierarchy. So in order to extract entities of a given layer the simplest solution would be to flatten all blocks (i.e. insert the entities directly with the correct transformation), but general entity transformation is not yet supported by CadLib and your model might explode in size. Another solution with the benefit of being supported by CadLib would be to implement an EntityVisitor and possibly create new blocks if this is necessary. Basically there are only two possibilities when a block is inserted: either the effective layer of the insert entity is the layer of intererst, or it is another layer. Indeed the first possibility is only interesting if there are any entities in the block which use layer 0, otherwise the insert's layer is not making any difference. In the next post you'll find an example implementation, which is keeping care of duplicating blocks only if necessary (reason is that I just discovered the a a maximum allowed length for a posting). Addition: see 3 posts below to get the code as an attachment. Regarding it you'll probably see now that things are quite complex. But the code should work in most cases, and although I didn't test it very thoroughly it should give you a good enough idea that you should be able to use it as a base. Have fun, Rammi
4/17/2012 7:10 PM
Here's the first part, the second part is following. Sorry for the inconvenience!
C# Code:
  /// <summary>   /// Remove all layers but one from a model.   /// </summary>   public class LayerExtractorVisitor : BasicEntityVisitor {     /// <summary>     /// Info of the insertion.     /// </summary>     private class InsertInfo {       /// <summary>       /// Effective layer from insertion.       /// </summary>       public readonly DxfLayer effectiveLayer;       /// <summary>       /// Currentky active entity collection.       /// </summary>       public readonly DxfEntityCollection currentCollection;       /// <summary>       /// Currently active index, used for removal.       /// </summary>       public int currentIndex;       /// <summary>       /// Did we encounter zero layer entities?       /// </summary>       private bool hasZeroLayerEntities;       /// <summary>       /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='InsertInfo'/> class.       /// </summary>       /// <param name='currentCollection'>The current collection.</param>       /// <param name='effectiveLayer'>The effective insertion layer.</param>       public InsertInfo(DxfEntityCollection currentCollection, DxfLayer effectiveLayer) {         this.effectiveLayer = effectiveLayer;         this.currentCollection = currentCollection;         currentIndex = currentCollection.Count - 1;       }       /// <summary>       /// Gets the effective layer for an entity.       /// </summary>       /// <param name='entity'>The entity.</param>       /// <returns>The effective layer.</returns>       public DxfLayer GetEffectiveLayer(DxfEntity entity) {         if (entity.Layer.IsZeroLayer) {           hasZeroLayerEntities = true;           return effectiveLayer;         }         return entity.Layer;       }       /// <summary>       /// Gets a value indicating whether zero layer entities were encountered.       /// </summary>       /// <value>       /// <c>true</c> if this instance has zero layer entities; otherwise, <c>false</c>.       /// </value>       public bool HasZeroLayerEntities {         get { return hasZeroLayerEntities; }       }     }     /// <summary>     /// Helper class: block and the possibly two reduced blocks.     /// </summary>     private class BlockData {       /// <summary>       /// Back ref to outer class.       /// </summary>       private readonly LayerExtractorVisitor visitor;       /// <summary>       /// The original block.       /// </summary>       private readonly DxfBlock original;       /// <summary>       /// The block inserted with the keep layer.       /// </summary>       private DxfBlock blockWithKeepLayerInsert;       /// <summary>       /// The block inserted with a layer different from the keep layer.       /// </summary>       private DxfBlock blockWithDifferentLayerInsert;       /// <summary>       /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='BlockData'/> class.       /// </summary>       /// <param name='visitor'>Back reference to outer class.</param>       /// <param name='block'>The original block.</param>       public BlockData(LayerExtractorVisitor visitor, DxfBlock block) {         this.visitor = visitor;         original = block;       }       /// <summary>       /// Gets the block depending on the effective layer of the insert.       /// </summary>       /// <param name='insertLayer'>The insert layer.</param>       /// <returns>The block.</returns>       public DxfBlock GetBlock(DxfLayer insertLayer) {         return (ReferenceEquals(insertLayer, visitor.keepLayer))               ? WithKeepLayer               : WithDifferentLayer(insertLayer);       }       /// <summary>       /// Get the block for an insertion with the keep layer.       /// </summary>       private DxfBlock WithKeepLayer {         get {           if (blockWithKeepLayerInsert == null) {             CloneContext cc = new CloneContext(visitor.model, ReferenceResolutionType.CloneMissing);             blockWithKeepLayerInsert = (DxfBlock) original.Clone(cc);             cc.ResolveReferences();             if (blockWithDifferentLayerInsert != null) {               // need different name for block               blockWithKeepLayerInsert.Name += '-KEEP';             }             if (!visitor.HandleEntityCollection(blockWithKeepLayerInsert.Entities,                               visitor.insertStack.Peek().effectiveLayer)) {               // no layer 0 entities, so no need to have diffent blocks               blockWithDifferentLayerInsert = blockWithKeepLayerInsert;             }           }           return blockWithKeepLayerInsert;         }       }       /// <summary>       /// Get the block with an insertion with a layer different from the keep layer.       /// </summary>       /// <param name='insertLayer'>The insert layer.</param>       /// <returns>The block.</returns>       private DxfBlock WithDifferentLayer(DxfLayer insertLayer) {         if (blockWithDifferentLayerInsert == null) {           CloneContext cc = new CloneContext(visitor.model, ReferenceResolutionType.CloneMissing);           blockWithDifferentLayerInsert = (DxfBlock)original.Clone(cc);           cc.ResolveReferences();           if (blockWithKeepLayerInsert != null) {             // need different name for block             blockWithDifferentLayerInsert.Name += '-DIFF';           }           if (!visitor.HandleEntityCollection(blockWithDifferentLayerInsert.Entities,                             insertLayer)) {             // no layer 0 entitites, so no need to have diffent blocks             blockWithKeepLayerInsert = blockWithDifferentLayerInsert;           }         }         return blockWithDifferentLayerInsert;       }       /// <summary>       /// Get all blocks created from       /// </summary>       public List<DxfBlock> Blocks {         get {           List<DxfBlock> result = new List<DxfBlock>();           if (blockWithKeepLayerInsert != null) {             result.Add(blockWithKeepLayerInsert);           }           if (blockWithDifferentLayerInsert != null & !ReferenceEquals(blockWithKeepLayerInsert, blockWithDifferentLayerInsert)) {             result.Add(blockWithDifferentLayerInsert);           }           return result;         }       }     }     /// <summary>     /// Current insertion stack, the top has the active information.     /// </summary>     private readonly Stack<InsertInfo> insertStack = new Stack<InsertInfo>();     /// <summary>     /// The model.     /// </summary>     private DxfModel model;     /// <summary>     /// The layer to keep.     /// </summary>     private DxfLayer keepLayer;     /// <summary>     /// Mapping of block names to block data.     /// </summary>     private readonly IDictionary<string, BlockData> blockDataByName = new Dictionary<string, BlockData>();     /// <summary>     /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='LayerExtractorVisitor'/> class.     /// </summary>     /// <remarks>     /// This will iterate over the model and remove all entities not on the keep layer.     /// </remarks>     /// <param name='model'>The model.</param>     /// <param name='keepLayer'>The keep layer.</param>     public void Run(DxfModel model, DxfLayer keepLayer) {       insertStack.Clear();       blockDataByName.Clear();       this.model = model;       this.keepLayer = keepLayer;       foreach (DxfBlock block in model.Blocks) {         blockDataByName.Add(block.Name, new BlockData(this, block));       }       // run removal       HandleEntityCollection(model.Entities, model.ZeroLayer);       // take care of blocks       foreach (BlockData blockData in blockDataByName.Values) {         foreach (DxfBlock block in blockData.Blocks) {           DxfBlock oldBlock;           if (model.Blocks.TryGetValue(block.Name, out oldBlock)) {             model.Blocks.Remove(oldBlock);           }           model.Blocks.Add(block);         }       }       // remove all unused layers       for (int l = model.Layers.Count - 1; l >= 0; --l) {         DxfLayer layer = model.Layers[l];         if (!layer.IsZeroLayer & IsRemovedLayer(layer)) {           model.Layers.RemoveAt(l);         }       }       // just to be sure       model.Repair();     }     /// <summary>     /// Is a layer removed?     /// </summary>     /// <param name='layer'>The layer.</param>     /// <returns>The answer.</returns>     private bool IsRemovedLayer(DxfLayer layer) {       // remove ! in order to remove the keep layer       return !ReferenceEquals(layer, keepLayer);     }     /// <summary>     /// Run over a collection of entities and remove all with different layers.     /// </summary>     /// <param name='entities'>Entity collection.</param>     /// <param name='effectiveLayer'>The effective layer.</param>     /// <returns><c>true</c> if zero layer entities were included in this collection.</returns>     private bool HandleEntityCollection(DxfEntityCollection entities, DxfLayer effectiveLayer) {       InsertInfo currentInfo = new InsertInfo(entities, effectiveLayer);       try {         insertStack.Push(currentInfo);         while (currentInfo.currentIndex >= 0) {           DxfEntity entity = currentInfo.currentCollection[currentInfo.currentIndex];           entity.Accept(this);           --currentInfo.currentIndex;         }       } finally {         insertStack.Pop();       }       return currentInfo.HasZeroLayerEntities;     }     /// <summary>     /// Handles a simple entity.     /// </summary>     /// <remarks>     /// This just evaluates the effective layer and removes the entity if the layer is not the keep layer.     /// </remarks>     /// <param name='entity'>The entity.</param>     /// <returns><c>true</c> if the entity was removed.</returns>     private bool HandleEntity(DxfEntity entity) {       InsertInfo info = insertStack.Peek();       DxfLayer effectiveLayer = info.GetEffectiveLayer(entity);       if (IsRemovedLayer(effectiveLayer)) {         // remove entity on incorrect index         info.currentCollection.RemoveAt(info.currentIndex);         return true;       }       return false;     }     /// <summary>     /// Handle a dimension entity.     /// </summary>     /// <remarks>     /// Same as <see cref='HandleEntity'/>, but removes the associated block, too, if the dimension is removed.     /// </remarks>     /// <param name='dim'>Dimension entity.</param>     private void HandleDimension(DxfDimension dim) {       if (HandleEntity(dim)) {         // can remove block, too         DxfBlock block = dim.Block;         if (block != null) {           model.Blocks.Remove(block);         }       }     }
4/17/2012 7:12 PM
Okay, here's the rest:
C# Code:
    /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(Dxf3DFace face) {       HandleEntity(face);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(Dxf3DSolid solid) {       HandleEntity(solid);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfArc arc) {       HandleEntity(arc);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfAttribute attribute) {       HandleEntity(attribute);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfAttributeDefinition attributeDefinition) {       HandleEntity(attributeDefinition);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfCircle circle) {       HandleEntity(circle);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfDimension.Aligned dimension) {       HandleDimension(dimension);      }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfDimension.Angular3Point dimension) {       HandleDimension(dimension);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfDimension.Angular4Point dimension) {       HandleDimension(dimension);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfDimension.Diametric dimension) {       HandleDimension(dimension);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfDimension.Linear dimension) {       HandleDimension(dimension);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfDimension.Ordinate dimension) {       HandleDimension(dimension);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfDimension.Radial dimension) {       HandleDimension(dimension);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfEllipse ellipse) {       HandleEntity(ellipse);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfHatch hatch) {       HandleEntity(hatch);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfImage image) {       HandleEntity(image);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfInsert insert) {       InsertInfo info = insertStack.Peek();       BlockData blockData = blockDataByName[insert.Block.Name];       DxfLayer effectiveLayer = info.GetEffectiveLayer(insert);       DxfBlock block = blockData.GetBlock(effectiveLayer);       if (block.Entities.Count == 0) {         // no need to keep insert if block is empty         info.currentCollection.RemoveAt(info.currentIndex);       } else {         // overwrite block with reduced one         insert.Block = block;         // take care of attributes         for (int a = insert.Attributes.Count - 1; a >= 0; --a) {           DxfAttribute attrib = insert.Attributes[a];           DxfLayer attribLayer = attrib.Layer.IsZeroLayer                         ? effectiveLayer                         : attrib.Layer;           if (IsRemovedLayer(attribLayer)) {             insert.Attributes.RemoveAt(a);           }         }       }     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfLeader leader) {       HandleEntity(leader);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfLine line) {       HandleEntity(line);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfLwPolyline polyline) {       HandleEntity(polyline);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfMLine mline) {       HandleEntity(mline);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfMText mtext) {       HandleEntity(mtext);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfPoint point) {       HandleEntity(point);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfPolyfaceMesh mesh) {       HandleEntity(mesh); // don't care for vertices, as they ought to have the same layer     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfPolygonMesh mesh) {       HandleEntity(mesh); // don't care for vertices, as they ought to have the same layer     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfPolygonSplineMesh mesh) {       HandleEntity(mesh); // don't care for vertices, as they ought to have the same layer     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfPolyline2D polyline) {       HandleEntity(polyline); // don't care for vertices, as they ought to have the same layer     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfPolyline2DSpline polyline) {       HandleEntity(polyline); // don't care for vertices, as they ought to have the same layer     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfPolyline3D polyline) {       HandleEntity(polyline); // don't care for vertices, as they ought to have the same layer     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfPolyline3DSpline polyline) {       HandleEntity(polyline); // don't care for vertices, as they ought to have the same layer     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfRay ray) {       HandleEntity(ray);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfRegion region) {       HandleEntity(region);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfShape shape) {       HandleEntity(shape);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfSolid solid) {       HandleEntity(solid);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfSpline spline) {       HandleEntity(spline);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfTable table) {       if (HandleEntity(table)) {         // can remove associated block, too         DxfBlock block = table.Block;         if (block != null) {           model.Blocks.Remove(block);         }       }     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfText text) {       HandleEntity(text);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfTolerance tolerance) {       HandleEntity(tolerance);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfViewport viewport) {       HandleEntity(viewport);     }     /// <summary>     /// Visits the specified entity.     /// See the <see cref='IEntityVisitor'/> for more details.     /// </summary>     public override void Visit(DxfXLine xline) {       HandleEntity(xline);     }   }
Call with
C# Code:
      LayerExtractorVisitor layerExtractorVisitor = new LayerExtractorVisitor();       layerExtractorVisitor.Run(model, layer);
4/17/2012 7:20 PM
Okay, for easier access here's the class as an attachment, too. Thanks to the comments the code has some 25kByte, but a posting may only have 20kByte.
4/18/2012 11:14 PM
Okay I got it to work so far, but I have still one problem, when I open the written file,
C# Code:
WW.Cad.IO.DxfWriter dxfwriter = new WW.Cad.IO.DxfWriter(stream.BaseStream, newmodel, true);       dxfwriter.Write();
then I open it there are few layers restort called 'Blau', 'Schwarz', '1', and '0'; ( I removed als well the part with the protectet zerro layer for a test. and there is a block of dots on layer '0' where I dont have any idea where it comes from,  I attached the file
4/19/2012 1:17 PM
The code above was thought as a base for your own implementation. It is far from perfect, but enough to give you the idea how things could be done. Layer handling in DXF is far from simple, so it requires some experience. Therefore the code is meant to show the most important thing: how an entity gets its effective layer depending on its insertion. But I should have pointed out the following caveat more prominently: The code does only handle layers which are referenced somewhere in the basic entity tree, given by the DxfModel.Entities property. A DXF file can also contain layouts which may reference entities contained in an otherwise unreferenced blocks, and it may also contain blocks which are referenced by nothing. Because layouts may also reference the basic entity tree things can get a bit more complex to handle if you want to avoid duplicate passes over the same data, so the code didn't care about it because it's basically easy to add, but would only clutter the example. What to do with completely unreferenced blocks depends on your goals. The example leaves them as they are, but they can also be thrown away or be cleared from every entity not on the kept layer or layer 0 for future use. So it was a basically bad idea of me to remove all other layers, as they may be still referenced. To your second question: Without the original file it is difficult to tell what the problem is. My tests worked even with layer 0, so there is a chance that your changes to the layer 0 handling introduced the problem. But if you can provide the original file I'll have a look. If you don't like to see it here in the open you can send it to me via my account profile.