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error EmptyName for objects target =(Type DxfDimensionStyle)

Jose Oscar Samper
2/9/2022 3:30 PM
Greetings. I have the following error EmptyName for objects target =(Type DxfDimensionStyle) When opening a dwg file and saving it with another name code
C# Code:
DxfModel card_model; string appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); if (comboPlantilla.Text == "11 x 17") { modelo_Tarjeta = DwgReader.Read(appPath + "\\Plantillas\\Tarjeta_Plano_Individual_11x17.dwg"); } else { modelo_Tarjeta = DwgReader.Read(appPath + "\\Plantillas\\Tarjeta_Plano_Individual_24x36.dwg"); } DwgWriter.Write("G:\\Proyectos\\Newfolder\\tarjeta.dwg", modelo_Tarjeta);
2/14/2022 9:48 AM
Hi, Can you attach your input dwg files? - Wout
Jose Oscar Samper
2/14/2022 3:08 PM
Greetings. I attach the file. Thanks
2/15/2022 8:05 AM
Hi, I've just fixed the problem. Issue was there was a dimension style with no name, which normally does not happen. In DXF it's even illegal, but apparently in DWG it's not. - Wout
Jose Oscar Samper
2/15/2022 4:24 PM
2/16/2022 7:05 AM
Just for clarification: AutoCAD does not allow to create table entries like DIMSTYLE with empty names. Third party tools can write DWG and DXF with empty names, and although AutoCAD is able to read these, it is not perfectly happy with it: when running AUDIT (its repair command) it will create non-empty names for these entries. - Rammi